mushroom headed mushroom
also mario in marioland
what’s it called where mario is?
mario surrounded by killer flowers
rick moranis surrounded by killer flowers
little guys and huge flowers
a fairy is a small little guy inside a flower
a fairy is someone who holds a rose between teeth
like a dancer
like a deer eating a flower
like a flower taller than people
like a sunflower
like a whole bunch of sunflowers
seven feet tall
like an abandoned house covered in dust
surrounded by sunflowers
the kind of house you go to have sex
like the kind of house a teenage girl gang
runs away to
like a place people give each other stick n pokes of flowers in
like a place in a dream that you recall from a previous dream
like a dream house
ah abandoned dream house on the side of the sidewalk
and abandoned barbie dream house next to wine glasses and a frisbee
like a rained on textbook in a cardboard box
next to the sidewalk
a rained in cardboard box labeled free
a free box on the sidewalk next to some flowers
a box filled with free flowers
shriveled flowers in the mason jar on the kitchen table
the flowers we bought together
because i love tulips
the tulips we saw when we first entered the grocery store
the grocery store tulips with us as we filled the buggy
nestled like a baby where they used to put babies in buggies
but you don’t see babies in them anymore
moreso flowers or chips
moreso things that might break easily or smush
moreso precious objects not yet owned but claimed
we put the flowers where i used to go when i was a baby
a baby at delchamps that was my grocery store
delchamps is no more
flowers no more
no more alive flowers but beautiful dead flowers
flowers that are beautiful dead
the grocery store tulips
the tulips from my dream
my dream tulips
imagine tulips the size of sunflowers
a house surrounded by tulips the size of sunflowers
my dream house


Emily Bark Brown is a poet from Alabama.