There are shades of blue that will have been not been being there. But there will have been being the six zeros trailing vermillion. There, there will have been being some statements that will have been  being   full  of O’s—do not go,  not so soon.  And there—there,  there will  have been  being figures of speech  which will have  been being made literal by animals,  and there will have been being some  other animals,  and there will not have been being a third category  (nor the wedge you will have wished for for its being opened): one that will have dis- and absolved you.

It will not  have been  being the case,  the case will have been  being flung wide open and your dead dad’s Wranglers  will have been staggering everywhere,  they will have been being full of holes that you never did make.  Nobody’s goldschläger will have been being gulped by you. You will have been smoking cigarettes till your underwear smelled like cigarettes. You will have been claiming that things are the Cadillacs of themselves, but thinking that the world is empty of Cadillacs.


As per the death drive, Death will have been driving, like in the Emily Dickinson poem in which he stops for her. As per being-toward-death, Emily Dickinson will have been driving through Amherst, like in this poem, in which Death is Massachusetts.

Everywhere there will have been  being the voice of a woman—the narrator  of Chris Marker’s Sans Soleil will have been narrating everything. But everyone will have been imagining that this was the voice of Marianne Moore; that Marianne’s voice was its own little camera, saying it was quite like this, quite like that.

A film still will have been being a still film. The whole here will have been playing the part of the part; the part here will wholly have been being the whole that will have been playing the part of the part.

Freud will have been reading Heidegger, and upon closing Heidegger Heidegger will have been being collapsed inside  of Heidegger—the only pop-up figure to have written his own pop-up book (and to have locked its little, black cover behind him). Emily Dickinson will have been sitting quietly, and Marianne Moore will have been sitting quietly—from different directions despite reaching the same quiet.

Atop the water in the light a still film will have been being—water lit up; film unfurling furllesly such that it will have been stilling in its fell-swoopedness. Water will have been being, images will have been being seen.

Things will never have been being gotten at. Though some things will have been being gotten to.

Chris Marker will have been speaking the old French, dying the old death, eventually; making the old additions and subtractions. The most clichéd thing that we will have been doing was dying.

There will have been being a religion in all that, but the camera will have been being too close to say which, when,  and in  what order.  It will  only have  been being  glimpsed,  as if  through a keyhole in time, that the external world consists of internal references.

Then it will have been raining so lightly that the air will have been flickering. It will have been morning (morning will have been being a verb) again.

Coleman Edward Dues is the author of the chapbook Pop-Country Sellout (Wry Press, 2022). His writing is published in Fence, Black Warrior Review, Denver Quarterly, and the Cleveland Review of Books, among other places. He works at the Academy of American Poets.